Exchange Policy |
Allowed for Exchange | Not Allowed for Exchange |
- Exchange items must be in original condition & in original packaging
| - Strictly NO exchange for stock clearance items
- Exchange item can only be done via the same store
| - Strictly NO exchange for items that's not in it's original packaging
- Exchange item only allowed for defective products only
(eg: products malfunction, or packaging issue) and within 3 days from the date of purchase with original receipt presented.
| - Strictly NO exchange for item that's misused by customer
- The price of exchanged item must be equal to the price of returned item.
| - Strictly NO exchange for Food & Beverage, play dough & clay, soft toys, bath toys, dolls, baby & toddler toys, accessories, apparel, socks, inner wear, swimwear, cosmetic and other products related due to hygiene purposes
| - Strictly NO exchange for items that have been altered, repaired or modified
| |
| - Exchange due to change of mind is NOT ALLOWED.
*Eco-Shop Marketing Berhad reserve the right to refuse any exchange request.